Saturday, February 25, 2012

... gone tomorrow!

The Conclusion to my hairstyle saga:

So here's the result! I promise I haven't been crying about my hair for the past two days. 
Here's why:
I love everything about this cut. First of all, it's very easy to manage. I literally do nothing to it and it lays perfectly. It stays out of my face, so even on windy days I can see where I am going! It frames my face and reflects light to show the natural shades and highlights of my hair. Many, many props to my stylist who asked all the right questions and gave me this new look. 

Another pro-tip for getting your hair cut: talk with your stylist. Show them pictures, tell them what you like and what you don't like and chances are they will be able to piece together the perfect cut for you. 

With any style change, confidence is key. Wear your new look with pride and most importantly, be yourself. Your haircut, your clothes, and your style don't make you who you are. What you DO in them does. 

So here's my shameless plug for the day: 
Whenever I cut my hair, I try to have enough to donate to Locks of Love. Locks of Love is a great organization that makes hairpieces for children suffering from any hair loss diagnosis. If you are thinking about making a drastic change to your hairstyle, seriously consider donating to this group. Here's a link to their website where you can find all of the requirements for donation. 

Love life and love yourself!

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