I want to write more on this topic later (after I get homework done...I struggle with being a workaholic too [but I definitely believe in being responsible about your schoolwork], and I totally agree with Catherine's message on being a workaholic-props to you woman!!), but I want you all to know that I totally believe in loving your body, no matter your shape, size, physical attractiveness, etc., etc. However, I really struggle with loving my body all the time. There are definitely days I look in the mirror and truly love what I see (in a healthy, not a vain way), but there are other days I look in the mirror and hate what I see. There are also days when I look in the mirror with vanity. I know a lot of us women struggle with our body image, and magazines, t.v., movies, the media DOES NOT HELP (for the most part). Therefore, I wanted to share these inspiring quotes with you. I read them in the book
"How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul" by Jason and Crystalina Evert, which I totally recommend to EVERY WOMAN! Crystalina's story is especially inspiring (since she went through a ton of the things we are talking about on this blog post). She's a really beautiful woman-inside and outside- and a very relatable. Her story of meeting Jason is absolutely beautiful. It brings tears to my eyes and gives me hope that there's the perfect man out there for each woman (granted that she wants to get married). Anyways, here are the quotes. I came across them in my journal today because I woke up feeling bad about my body. They really help to give me a better perspective. We all need reminders that we're loved just the way we are: right here, right now. Here are the quotes:
One of the happiest ladies I know: my grandma!! She's so beautiful, and it's her inner beauty and self respect that makes her even more beautiful. |
"Think of the happiest person you know. Does she have the perfect body? Probably not. Her joy has nothing to do with the shape of her body" (Evert).
"Average-looking girls who possess deep self-respect are more likely to find enduring love than runway models" (Evert).
"Accept that other women will be prettier, smarter, and more popular than you are, and that's fine. It's a big world with lots of opportunities. The goal is not to stand on the top of the pile. The goal is to hold yourself to a personal standard and become someone you would respect if you were someone else" (Evert).
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